2/22/06 The first layer of stucco was applied today. At 2 pm, the men took a break after they completed the entire house already. The front porch, arch and columns on either side is not how it is suppossed to be. This is after they forgot the arch, then they forgot the columns, now the columns were put in yesterday but the arch was not fixed! Urgh. They finally put the accent on the game room window. A team of drywallers are now installing sheetrock in the first floor. Looks like they will be done today.
2/21/06 A crew of 3 people were in the house installing drywall. At the end of the day, they were almost done with the upstairs. The downstairs has not been started. Another crew came in the afternoon to finish putting the plastic around the windows and roof, getting ready for applying the stucco. Looks like they came in early today to frame out the front porch, they put in the columns. But they still need to redo the arch to be curved into the columns. The electrical for the front porch lights were moved into the columns.
2/20/06 President's day and men were working. We went to the house to do more sweeping before they put the drywall so that sawdust and debris would not be trapped within the walls etc. Early in the morning, 2 men were fixing the wood frame by the dining room. With my little spanish, he explained to me that some wood frames buckled due to the cold and when sheetrocked, the wall would bow out. About 7 wooden frames had to be fixed. This had to be done before sheetrocking obviously.
2/14/06 The arch for the front porch was put in today. But where are the columns? They are going to stucco next and the columns are missing!
2/16/06 Cement bags were delivered and sand was delivered yesterday.
2/13/06 OUTRAGEOUS! Men continued to work on the accent pieces on the exterior. Two men extended the roof out from the gameroom window. As I watched them complete, one man went to the garbage pile which was held in place by 4 pieces of plywood nailed together. As he took his hammer, I thought he was trying to move the pile to make room for stucco work. Next thing, he had taken one plywood, which held the garbage, then cut it with an electic saw. Then placed this WARPed wood on the roof part of the gameroom window! I was outraged by this sight. Using the garbage for materials!!! This was brought up to Jeff and Jeff but I know that this was never replaced.
2/11/06 Insulation was installed today, Saturday. I brought cookies to the workers and thanked them for working on a Saturday. A crew was also working outside finishing the wire on the exterior.
2/9/06 Insulation was delivered today! Hurray. Almost a month since they ordered it.
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