Framing continues. They have started working on the 2nd floor but could only go so far without getting another delivery of wood. Yesterday we noticed that they were framing doors for 6'8" when they should be 8' doors on the 1st floor. We raised this to the attention of our sales manager, Jeff, and also to our new construction manager, Jeff. (Our older CM was apparently...fired.)
Other interesting news...they've opened up new lots across and next door to us. The lot premium for the lot immediately to our right (when looking at the house) is priced at $75K. That's $40K more than ours. This lot is smaller than ours and slightly lower elevation as well. So...this and the fact that they've raised the base price of the home and some options is making some good returns on our investment! :-)
Here is an updated picture taken as of around 2pm today.