The past few weeks have been slow, most days, no activity. Today, there was a crew there digging a trench by hand and by small backhoe. I believe this is for the water line.
2/1/2006 A crew was working on the front porch. They were putting sand in bags, putting rebars across, getting ready for pouring. A delivery of drywall/sheetrock came today. Okay, drywall there but still no insulation.
1/31/2006 We received a call from Jeff that the exterior should be getting started by the end of the week. Insulation delivery will be made next week. If that happens, that will be awesome.
1/30/2006 There was evidence of some work done today but cannot pin point exactly besides the door in the powder room, the last one, was reframed for 8 ft. doors.
1/28/2006 It looks like the vents in boys room (rear) have been reframed (larger and the ceiling was reframed to look almost like that of the dining room to give more room for the vents). Front boy's closet was also reframed so that there will be more room for clothes. We checked the windows and found that more windows needed to be fixed, either bent frames or hard to open/shut.
1/27/2006 This past week, the garage was framed around so that the wood is flushed with the decking. I met with the electrician who spoke to me about the backyard flood lights. We spoke about the exact location, etc.
1/20/2006 We had our pre-drywall inspection with Jeff. Went thru the extras and made sure that they were up to par. Checked locations of light switches, telephone/cable/internet boxes, etc. Here are some items that were pointed out:
- Relocate the speaker wires in the family room (2)
- Relocate the sconce switch from the family room to near the art niche
- Retape vent in family room
- 1 powder room door needs to be reframed for 8 ft. doors.
- Upstairs bath (girls) light switch is on the outside wall rather than inside
- Reframe vents in boys room (rear)
- Reframe vents in boys closet (front) to give more room
- Bent windows and some hard to open/shut
There is still a shortage of insulation (going to Louisiana) but ours have been ordered. House is going thru inspection and should pass in a week.
- Missing backyard flood lights
1/19/2006 1st floor doors have been reframed for 8 ft. except for the powder room.
1/17/2006 Attended the HOA meeting at the club house. Found out that the Marbella with tile roof, in the cul-de-sac will be closing in March. The other cul-de-sac with 4 Marbellas, the one on the right should be closing next month, the one across the street, I spoke to the wife will be closing in April. This means that we will not be closing till May! Urgh!